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Getting Squared Away

Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 4:29am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Henry 'Hank' Keitel & Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Beckett

Mission: The Thorion Conundrum Mission Brief
Location: Main Shuttlebay and Marine Deck
Timeline: TBD

Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Beckett was in an extremely sour mood. A fleet bean counter in the logistics division was refusing to issue the necessary quartering and barracks supplies the newly arrived Marine Detachment needed. The other marines were giving the tall NCO a wide berth as he stomped around the shuttlebay.

Gorebets strode into the room he had a cup of coffee in one hand and a ration bar in the other. He looked tired, he wanted to see the progress of Andrews task, Apparently there was still work that needed doing. His casual expression changed as he stepped on the deck.

An enlisted marine spotted Captain Gorebets enter the shuttlebay and jumped up shouting "OFFICER ON DECK!!!"

Tom forced an almost calm demeanor onto his face as he walked up to his commanding officer while the marines jumped to their feet.

"Status report? We get those bunks yet?" Gorbets asked. He was still calm. He took a bite of the ration bar and swallowed it down with the water of life.

Andrews cleared her throat, "I had to take it to the Old Man of the Boat. I am sorry." She sheepishly said.

"Thats going to make life either a living hell cause we are complaining or endear us that we are going up the CoC. Speaking of which Baker Team is now on permanent guard duty in Strategic ops. Take a rotation from the second platoon and make the adjustments."

He then looked at the Gunnery Sergeant and said, "Captain Gorebets its a pleasure to meet you Gunny, as I said status report?"

Tom held his temper in check as he gave the company status report. "Sir, all marines present. Just waiting on the go ahead to go by supply, get what we need there and head to the barracks." He paused as his ire flared momentarily. "The bean counter in supply is being a stingy piece of sh....bureaucrat. Spouting off about there not being a signature card on file for us to draw supplies or get our quartering assignments."

"Andrews what did I say if I had to get involved in this?" Gorebets said calmly.

Andrews said almost meekly, "You would create a logistical nightmare not seen since Noah building the arc?"

Senior Chief Keitel entered the hanger with Chief Yarrow and a Logistics Specialist Second Class that Betty recognized. "Situation has been resolved gentlemen. Chief Yarrow here will take your marines by squads through supply, draw what you need and get them to the platoon bays. The new supply leading petty officer has been informed of your pending arrival and will see to the needs of all the enlisted." He then turned to the newly demoted logistics specialist. "I believe you have something you would like to say to Captain Gorebets and his staff."

Fritz swallowed a warp core sized lump in his throat. "I apologize for the delay and uh deeply regret any inconvenience it may have caused."

Hank dismissed Fritz with a single wave before turning to the Marine command section. "As a small measure of compensation, I would like to extend an invitation to your entire marine contingent to dine in the Chief's Mess for lunch."

Gorebets smiled, "Senior Chief, you just made my day. I now know I can rely on you and reliable men are a good thing to come by. If you go to Alpha company you will see a crate labeled A6421, inside is the contents of my alcohol hutch help yourself to any bottle you like. As for lunch I accepot that invitation, Gunny see to it the men follow the Old Man's orders to the tee, then get yourself some food. I will be the last one to go once I know everybody else has had their fill."

Hank gave a shake of his head. "No need sir. Just doing my job in seeing that the enlisted are taken care of."

Tom was thankful for the Command Senior Chief's intervention in the marine detachments predicament. He was glad to have his troops get a hot and a cot by days end at least. The real work would begin tomorrow. He moved to a clear area and called a formation. He gave instructions to the squad leaders to follow Chief Yarrow to supply and then meet Lance Corporal Andrews on the marine deck. He then released the company and went back over to where Captain Gorebets and the Senior Chief was standing. "With your permission sir. I am going to head to the marine deck and make sure everything is squared away there before our troops arrive and settle in."

Jimmy looked at Keitel, "You earned it. Consider it a gift. Now I can't let supplt simply get away with this, Senior Chief Keitel, I want formal charges of misconduct brought up to the Captain for Fritz to be masted, He has lost holodeck use for two weeks and I expect his area of the supply chamber recounted and visually verified."

Hank took a deep breath. There was only a Warrant Officer by the Marine Runabout and a few cargo handlers still milling about the shuttlebay. He nodded towards the exit. "Perhaps we should speak in private sir."

Gorebets walked over to the runabout, "Keats take a break get some chow." He opened the runabouts compartment door. There were compression rifle slots and many seats. There was an upside down sticker that read, "If you can read this... Wear your helmet."

He motioned for Keitel to step inside. Once they had he closed the door. He then turned the smoke detector off. Took out a small tin ash tray and took out a cigarette. He offered one to the Old Man. "Smoke?"

Hank looked at the cigarette for a moment before reaching into his jacket and producing two cigars. He gestured at the cigarette with the cigars. "That is a cigarette. Now these...are what you call a smoke." He handed one of the hand rolled Havana's to Jimmy before pulling out a Zippo and holding it up for the marine officer.

James tucked the pack back into his belt. Smiling he took the cigar, "Chief you are a godsend." he let the cigar light up and gently took a puff on it. He reached over to a box labeled OAT BRAN and took out a fifth of scotch. He uncorked the bottle and took a sip, then offered it over to Hank.

"Whats on your mind? Or is this a moment of escape from the craziness?" He asked with all seriousness.

Hank lit his own cigar as his expression turned thoughtful. He wanted to choose his words carefully. "I appreciate your recommendations regarding how to deal with Fritz. He is however one of my NCOs. I would never presume to violate the Marine Chain of Command, nor interfere with the Marine NCO Support Chain. Fritz is Fleet. Captain Sterling will decide upon disciplinary action and most likely upon the advice of myself and Chief Yarrow. That being said, his refusal to assist new arrivals to the ship's compliment just because a signature card wasn't prepared in advance by pay grades higher than both of us will weigh in on what Captain Sterling decides. Is that acceptable?" Despite Hank's respectful tone of voice throughout his speech, his final sentence sounded more like 'Is that clear?'

Gorebets took a drag, then spoke in the same calm tone he took with everybody. "My marines are just as important as your NCOs to me, If any of them broke CoC I would let you recommend them for a Mast, hell I would sign the papers myself. But I get what you are trying to say and do. I don't think I was out of line, but tell you what.. You treated my men well so I am not going to make a deal of this at all. Mostly because I do not want to start a war with the Quartermaster corps and second I respect the hell out of you."

Hank took a long pull on his cigar and let the smoke blow slowly out. "Piece of advice from an old salt if you will. Praise your troops publicly, but always reprimand them privately with no more audience than their first line leader present. It'll save on the antacids in the long run. Trust me."

"Thank you for breaking things down Barney style. This is good scotch you sure you don't want a swig? On the ground you usually don't have the luxury of being able to praise and yell at different times, not on patrol, not under fire. Its part of the job I have come to resent. But I should save it for the counselor. So we oh-rah and frosty?" Gorbets asked.

"Never was much of a scotch man myself sir." Hank looked around before bending down and opening a drop locker. He opened the cooler he found inside and extracted an ice cold bottle of Budweiser Classic. Popping the cap off, and taking a long pull. "Always been a beer guy myself." He finally nodded. "And yes, we're good with one another."

"I wasn't either until I found it gets you drunk really well. Just don't drive after doing it. You want to know how I made Captain?" Gorbets asked.

Hank looked at Jimmy and nodded as he sipped his beer.

He tapped his combadge, =/\= Betty transmit the feed of Jimmy the grunt. Screen six here. =/\=

"See near the DMZ or what used to be it we fought to free the Tzenketh from the true way and I was part of Omega Theta or as we are known as Hells Rejects. For three years we fought, but in one battle we were almost down to the last man from three thousand down to less then maybe five hundred and I was one of eight officers who survived. I later find out the compound we were defending belonged to New Weapons Research. But we fought off a force ten times our size. I ended up living through it and for that fleet invented this whole Jimmy the Grunt branch of advertisements about me."

James got quiet as the Jimmy the Grunt ad aired. He let him drink in the thick and rich propaganda and baffling propaganda.

"So everywhere I go I either get loved or hated because of that, but I made Captains list after being a first Louie for nearly a decade. I like to think I will make Major. But see that redhead right there.. Thats my dead wife Rebecca's sister. She agreed to stop another Celetros style attack." He said then he looked at Keitel for a reaction.

Hank was attentive throughout watching the video and listening to Jimmy tell his story. He could feel an empathy for the younger man. "I have spent the last four, almost five, decades in Starfleet. I have fought Tzenkethi, Cardassians, Klingons and Jem Hadar. It's cost me a failed marriage, estrangement with my children and grandchildren, and more lonely sleepless nights than I can count. Has it all changed me? Of course. Change is inevitable, but never change into something you don't want to become. You're going to make mistakes, learn from them and Charlie Mike." Hank finished his beer and put the bottle in the drop ship's waste reclamation shute. He gave Jimmy a nod. "I have to get back to it sir. Senior Chief's job is never done." He stepped off the drop ship and a moment later disappeared into the bowels of the ship.

James finished his cigar and let out a sigh. He knew heh was going to see a slew of that crap from the comerical again like the squad always busted his chops over. Now the ship knew it, and hoped it was all going to be kept in good humor.

Captain James Gorebets
Marine CO
USS Leto


Senior Chief Gunner's Mate Henry Keitel
Command Senior Chief
USS Leto


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