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Head Ache

Posted on Sat Jun 26th, 2021 @ 12:51pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Robert Hendon

Mission: The Thorion Conundrum Mission Brief
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: 239529.1


Maia had a headache, which was actually unusual in this day and age so she had Sheena take over on the bridge and went down to sickbay. Surely Dr Hendon would be able to give her something and fix her up. Admittedly the stress had been mounting up with the abduction of several crew members.

Sickbay was located in the most protected part of the ship. Which made sense even on a ship of peace.

Maia entered the Sickbay and asked to see Doctor Hendon.

Nurse Peeters laughed with the medic when he suddenly stood at attention. his gaze urged her to turn around and she realised someone important must have entered sick bay or he was pulling a prank on her again. Unfortunately it wasn't the latter. "didn't mean to be disrespectful, captain!", she said trying to save her skin. Fortunately the captain ignored the bad behaviour and asked for Dr. Hendon. "Follow me, ma'am!", Peeters continued, like nothing had happened.

Tom sat on the bio bed sulking. Hendon ran a probe over his knee. His son had gotten into a fight with his twin sister. Over which room they were to have. A fight broke out and Tom ended up losing. He hurt his knee in the process. Alice could of fixed it. But a fatherly talk was needed. To explain to the boy that you don’t hit your twin sister. Even if she can hit back harder. Tom began pulling at Roberts sleeve.

“ Daddy....daddy......daddy......” Tom said

“ Hold still Tom” Robert told him.

“ Daddy......daddy.......daddy.......” Tom kept saying

“ What is it?” Robert asked

“ Your boss is here.” The child said pointing.

Nurse Peeters couldn't help but grin when she saw the doctor take care of his son, totally oblivious for the fact that captain Sterling was standing behind him. She overheard the kid, entering sickbay, complaining about his sister. This was clearly a father-son talk. It reminded her of her brothers getting punished whenever they 'wronged' her. She often misused that power to her older brothers dismay. She missed them...

"Hi Doctor, I have been feeling incredibly stressed out lately and have headache almost as bad as whay used ot be called a migraine. Can you help me out?" Maia asked.

Hendon picked up a probe.

“Migraine. You should not be having one of those. Please take a seat.” He ran the probe over Maia’s head.” When was your last physical?” He asked

"Yeah I know that's why I came down, must be the stress. I had a physical when I took command less than six months ago. How is Mr. Blake doing?" Maia replied.

Hendon asked a medic to take Tom back to his wife. Gently Tom was led out of Sickbay but the child still stared at the Captain as he left. Maybe that was why Robert missed Maia’s attempt at misdirection.

“ It looks very promising he is starting to come round. Blake has a long road but we are confident of a full recovery eventually. Now if I may how long have you had this migraine?” Robert asked.

"Since this mornings intelligence briefing. It started after I had my coffee". Maia said.

Hendon looked over the bio bed readings. The CO's heart heart rate and blood pressure was up. Coffee was known to effect these, sometimes magnifying problems.

" Captain how much coffee do you drink per day?" Robert asked

Maia thought about that it was her preferred beverage.

"I have a cup or two with every meal, I don't generally drink it when I'm working as it makes me a bit jittery." The Captain replied.

Hendon looked at the bio bed readings.

"Maybe it might be prudent Captain if you layed off the coffee. You blood pressure is a little high. Perhaps a natural tea might be better for you. Green tea or Earl Grey. I hear a certain historical figure in Starfleet history. Used to swear by it. Just until we can get things down to an acceptable level." Hendon said. He was trying to be political here. As it was clear the Captain had a coffee addiction.

At this point I will try anything. Will that be all? The Captain asked.

" We need still need to check the rest of you out. We can give you a stimulant to deal with your head ache for now. I just need a quick word with nurse Peeters." Hendon motioned for the nurse to join him.

" Could you give the Captain a neural stimulant. While I continue the physical on the Captain. Please. Only it looks like our leader has way to much caffeine in their system. We need to monitor how much damage that is doing." Hendon warned Peeters.

"If that all it is I can always switch to decaf." Maia said.

Hendon pulled a face.

" Even decaf contains very small amounts of caffeine. I am afraid this is going to take a little longer Captain. You see there is a very high content of it in your system. That is why you have the headache. We need to check over your other internal organs. To make sure no other damage was done. It should not take to long to do."

Robert ran a probe over the Captain then he checked the bio bed readings.

" Well thankfully we have caught it in time. Please do not drink any caffeine until I see you again. In one month please. Your head ache should subside. If not contact us immediately please." Hendon Said

"So be it, no coffee or tea Ill stick to water for the time being.." Maia replied.

Will that be all? Maia added.

Robert gave the Captain a nod.

" Yes for now. You can go ma'am." Hendon told her.

" Okay Thanks" Maia said.



A Post by:

Lt.Cmdr Dr Robert Hendon
Chief Medical Officer
USS Leto

Captain Maia A. Sterling
Commanding Officer
USS Leto

Lieutenant JG Kimbely Peeters
Chief Nurse
USS Leto


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