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Captains Log Stardate 239602.29

Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 4:34pm by Captain Maia Sterling

Captains Log Stardate 239602.29

T'Plana'Hath has reported several stasis pods have been found on the dilapidated Ferengi Space station, She also advised that the Away team has detected Five Jem'Hadar soldiers that are shrouded in the lower decks. It has been two hours since the away team has beamed over. Commander Sayori's damage control team has been able to restore partial main power at least enough to restore life support and shields. The base itself only has 2 fusion cannons to destroy asteroids and two working tractor-beam generators that still operate. From a tactical point of view, the base is derelict and would require extensive repairs and upgrades to meet any kind of operational level of output. Dr Griffith Has secured Ambassador Wainwright the Real Colin Barth and a Starfleet officer formerly of the Nova class USS Calypso, Lieutenant Maximillion Thornehill. The away team continues to gather more information and continues with makeshift repairs on the station. Sterling Maia A, Commanding Leto out.


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