Tour - Honor Guard Staging Area

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Appearance is everything. The intricacies of Diplomacy depend on appearance and attention to detail.

Additional Information

Location Honor Guard Staging Area
Description The Honor Guard aboard the Norway Classis made up of Security officers, some of whom are trained as medical technicians and first aid. Their uniforms differ slightly from standard “dress whites” and include gold stripes down the length of the uniform trousers to match their departmental colors. Under certain conditions, elements of a race or culture’s ceremonial dress may be worn with the dress uniform as some races consider it a sign of respect for an individual to put on their best show for them.

When a conference is being held onboard, the Honor Guard sleeps and operates from a single location on Deck 5 known as the Honor Guard Armory. There they sleep and eat during the duration, as well as change shifts for security purposes. Ceremonial weapons are stored there, as well as their uniforms.

When active, only the Captain, First Officer, Chief of Security and Event Coordinator have access to the Honor Guard Armory.