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Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 10:19pm

Lieutenant JG Nishu Yalet

Name Nishu Yalet

Position Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 110
Hair Color lite brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Nishu Yalet, was born in Bajor, helping people out after the Cardassian war,and helped free the prisoners one by one, after the bajor/Cardi war.


Spouse None
Children Nada
Father Dieased - Gusyo Yalet
Mother Dieased- Eevu Yalet
Brother(s) Brother(s) Errald Yalet, & Tegyet Yalet -- Hid in Bajor during the Cardassian war.
Sister(s) Kira Yalet, hid with her brothers from the Cardassian war.
Other Family grandparents - Deceased due to normal causes. Kira Yalet, & tecald Yalet

Personality & Traits

General Overview - Nishu was born and raised on Bajor with both her parents , she spent most
Of her time on Bajor before the Cardassians came to bother things. She was a very skilled soldier
When she was younger she went to a Bajoran military school to help her with the skills she had to fight the Cardassians. She wanted to make her family proud of her for finding those Cardi ass holes and show them that Nishu meant business.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She was a strong soldier fighting against the Cardassians she showed them whos boss.
Weaknesses - one time during the war, Nishu was shot in her right leg and sent to the hospital
For repairs, was limping for a while till she was stronger to walk.
Ambitions To be a strong soldier and fight harder as she can, even for Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests That she continues fighting is her only hobby and Interests her heart in glory, and stay fighting. Interests to keep on her feet at all times.

Personal History Nishu was a Bajoran fighter learning military ways in Bajoran Miltary school, then went forth to Starfleet academy to learn on.
She was a great fighter, always told what to do, and she will do as she as told at all times.
Service Record Service Record: Starbase USS - Griffin - Security
USS- Leto